Monday, June 8, 2020

Always Eat After 7PM - Author Interview

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This post is sponsored by Always Eat After 7PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks-While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion. All opinions expressed are my own.  Click here for full disclosure.

It's been a couple weeks now and I am off to a great start with the Always Eat After 7PM diet. (For my first post in this series, please click here). Everything is going pretty well, I'm enjoying the recipes and doing much better at adding more exercise in different ways to my daily goals. I am happy to report that I have lost 7 pounds! I wasn't expecting to lose anything as I hit the dreaded plateau months ago. I tried everything I could think of and still wasn't able to get past it. I had almost given up but was content with the weight loss I had achieved anyway. This program, however, has given me new hope. I think I will FINALLY hit my weight loss goal. I'm still motivated for a few reasons. The most important reason:  I am pretty sure that this diet might even finally teach me how to cook.

I was able to interview the best selling author, Joel Marion, who is a fitness expert and nutritionist debunking the myths underlying traditional dieting while offering a simple, highly effective weight loss program. Joel Marion’s Always Eat After 7PM program makes dieting easy and eliminates 90% of reasons for resistance.  It was really interesting to learn more about the book and program so I am ecstatic to share this interview with you today!

 What inspired you to write the book?

After authoring six best-selling books, it was glaringly obvious there were two huge misconceptions about dieting that needed to be exposed. The first is that you can't eat late at night or before bed, which science now shows is NOT true. And second, you can't eat large portions that satisfy your natural instinct. This book solves both these problems by providing an evidence-based, enjoyable approach to dieting that can be used by any person to quickly achieve their weight loss goals.

 How long did it take for you to develop the diet?

It actually took several years of researching for me to discover the real science of eating late night. After a few years of tweaking and refining, I finally came up with a rapid fat loss solution that overcomes all the pitfalls of traditional diets.

 What was the most surprising discovery when you were researching scientific data for the diet?

That almost everything my college education and certifications taught me was NOT grounded in published scientific research.

 You’re a six-time best selling author, what is different about this book compared to your others?

Although many of the concepts are similar, the biggest difference is that you don't have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods. You don't have to deal with the burden of eating every few hours. And you don't have to skip the carbs at dinnertime or avoid eating before bed.

 How difficult is the Always Eat After 7 PM plan to follow?

It's not. And that's exactly why I wrote the book. While any diet is never truly easy, it can be more enjoyable and much easier to adhere to when you understand how Always Eat After 7pm works because it caters to our body's natural instincts.

 If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Born to impact!

I hope you enjoyed this interview. I'll be back next week with another update 💖

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.


  1. This book sounds great.. I will check this out. The diet plan makea me curioused.

  2. This is a nice article as it gives a fresh view on what it would be like to approach such a change in lifestyle, thank you!

  3. I loved being able to interview Joel and it's so fun learning about his process. This book has really been life changing.

  4. Controversial and definitely one for the books. I grew up with the after 6 diet wherein no one eats after 6pm. This contradicts everything I know.

  5. I like your meme with Jennifer Lawrence! What a way to illustrate the fear of dinner after 7pm! ha ha

  6. Setting a goals can really help individual to accomplish something. This eating routine definitely has many benefits, hoping I can do this always.

  7. staying healthy is very necessary especially in the current situation..this book is really very helpful and informative in that case..Thanks for sharing the review..🙂

  8. Seven pounds is awesome!!!! I have been dying to see what the results were going to be for people after seeing the book come out a few weeks ago. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Intermittent fasting is a great way to lose weight. The beauty of it is that it doesn't matter when you eat as long as you still fast for a number of hours.

  10. Wow! Thats great progress already - think we'll give this a shot too, looking at your words will be of great help :)

  11. This is such a new concept. Would love to read and find out the details.

  12. Another interesting idea to consider for having healthy lifestyle.

  13. People are talking about this new concept but I wonder how the results will be in a month. let me know how it works out for you.

  14. Great interview. I am curious about reading this book and checking out the recipes.

  15. This sounds like a great book to read. I will definitely check this out.
